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Ingresso: 5 de abr de 2024
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Generated ground broken on import, regenerate?

Started to play around with sh3d 7.2 on MacOS and now on 7.3.
I've created a little 3d Model, created the rooms first, then double clicked to create the walls, everything looks good so far in sh3d. I've exported that (.obj) and imported it into Unreal Engine 5. When going through the building, I see strange rendering issues, the ground flickers, losing the texture. When opening the "ground_11" static mesh, which basically contains the whole ground, it looks a bit off. There is a white plane but it should be cut out like all other rooms.

So in the static mesh viewer, the part inside the red circle:

And in unreals viewport, it flickers, changing all the time losing different parts of the texture + other strange artefacts. The white area inside the red circle is affected only:

This strange white plane is also visible, when exporting the model from within sh3d as .obj, then on my mac simply previewing that object and rotating it so I can see the whole object from below. So this issue is already visible right after exporting.
Can I somehow let sh3d recreate the ground?
[5 de abr de 2024 15:36:54] Exibir Mensagem para Impressão    Ver Perfil    Enviar Mensagem Privada [Link] Denunciar mensagem abusiva: por favor efetue login  Ir para o início 
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Ingresso: 8 de abr de 2022
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Re: Generated ground broken on import, regenerate?

Your images(?) don't show, you probably posted the wrong URLs.

From your description I suspect that you exported with the default option "Export all" for the object. It's annoying that the default export on enter is "Export all" because you almost never use that kind of export. You should use "Export selection" while you have all parts of the object selected (room, walls, furniture, etc.).
"Export all" will include everything visible disregarding what is selected or not, including the full plan ground of the level which you usually don't want in your export. That is possibly the cause of the flickering (two textures are trying to paint in the same place).
[5 de abr de 2024 16:59:34] Exibir Mensagem para Impressão    Ver Perfil    Enviar Mensagem Privada [Link] Denunciar mensagem abusiva: por favor efetue login  Ir para o início 

Ingresso: 7 de nov de 2005
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Re: Generated ground broken on import, regenerate?

I fear it's rather an issue in the way Sweet Home 3D attempts to cut the ground with the room. Sometimes it doesn't work well. I tried so many times to fix this problem, that I'm not sure there's a better solution. Maybe moving a little the corners of the room where you see the issue could help. Anyway, no need to export many times your design to check a fix, because you should see this flickering in Sweet Home 3D too.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D developer
[5 de abr de 2024 18:03:25] Exibir Mensagem para Impressão    Ver Perfil    Enviar Mensagem Privada [Link] Denunciar mensagem abusiva: por favor efetue login  Ir para o início 

Ingresso: 5 de abr de 2024
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Re: Generated ground broken on import, regenerate?

@Keet hmm that's strange, I can see the images even when looking up this post on my smartphone.
Yes, your assumption is correct. I was using "export all". I've tried that, select all and export selected, this works, as the "cut-out-ground" is then not exported.

@Puybaret, I've tried to move corners, whole rooms, walls, change wall width etc. Nothing helped here, so right now I've exported all selected. I can live with that approach, the only thing is, I have to create a ground plane, as I mostly created square rooms, which means, there is no floor in between door frames. So I can see through it atm.

So what is the difference between, "export all" and select all and "export selected"? Is only the one cut-out-ground plane?
[5 de abr de 2024 22:27:17] Exibir Mensagem para Impressão    Ver Perfil    Enviar Mensagem Privada [Link] Denunciar mensagem abusiva: por favor efetue login  Ir para o início 
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Ingresso: 8 de abr de 2022
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Re: Generated ground broken on import, regenerate?

So what is the difference between, "export all" and select all and "export selected"? Is only the one cut-out-ground plane?
It's exactly what it says: all or selection. In your case you select all objects but most users select only a few objects for export, usually when creating furniture or exporting part of their design.
The "Export all" option goes beyond "select all" because it includes the base ground of the plan, an object you can't select by itself.
I've been using Sweet Home 3D for many years but never found a sensible usage for the "Export all" option other than it being a nuisance as the default. I wonder if anyone uses the "Export all" and for what purpose. Maybe something I haven't thought of.

If you need a ground plane you can draw a room around your house and include that in your selection. That is different from the plan ground plane but might serve what you need.

edit 2: you have empty space between your rooms because you first create the room and then add walls. After you placed the doors delete the room and re-create it by double clicking inside the walls. That will create a new room that spans the open gaps where the doors are. Many users create rooms that way: first the walls and then the room inside after they placed the doors.
[Editar 2 vezes, última modificação feita por Keet em 5 de abr de 2024 23:42:34]
[5 de abr de 2024 23:33:57] Exibir Mensagem para Impressão    Ver Perfil    Enviar Mensagem Privada [Link] Denunciar mensagem abusiva: por favor efetue login  Ir para o início 

Ingresso: 7 de nov de 2005
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Re: Generated ground broken on import, regenerate?

You could also use the contextual menu Recompute room points added to version 7.2, instead of creating again the rooms. It will avoid you to lose their custimization.
Emmanuel Puybaret, Sweet Home 3D developer
[6 de abr de 2024 12:02:57] Exibir Mensagem para Impressão    Ver Perfil    Enviar Mensagem Privada [Link] Denunciar mensagem abusiva: por favor efetue login  Ir para o início 

Ingresso: 5 de abr de 2024
Post Count: 3
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Re: Generated ground broken on import, regenerate?

okay thanks for the useful hints guys, I know now how to deal with this little issue. Will play around with room first then walls, wall first then rooms, recompute etc. to see which way suits me best. Thanks appreciate it
[6 de abr de 2024 12:51:29] Exibir Mensagem para Impressão    Ver Perfil    Enviar Mensagem Privada [Link] Denunciar mensagem abusiva: por favor efetue login  Ir para o início 
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