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Class HomeLight

Extends HomePieceOfFurniture.

Defined in: SweetHome3D.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
HomeLight(id, light, copiedProperties)
Creates a home light from an existing one.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns a clone of this light.
Returns the material names of the light sources in the 3D model managed by this light.
Returns the sources managed by this light.
Returns the power of this light.
Sets the material names of the light sources in the 3D model managed by this light.
Sets the sources managed by this light.
Sets the power of this light.
Methods borrowed from class HomePieceOfFurniture:
containsPoint, getAngle, getCatalogId, getColor, getCreator, getCurrency, getDepth, getDepthInPlan, getDescription, getDropOnTopElevation, getElevation, getGroundElevation, getHeight, getHeightInPlan, getIcon, getInformation, getLevel, getLicense, getModel, getModelFlags, getModelMaterials, getModelRotation, getModelSize, getModelTransformations, getName, getNameAngle, getNameStyle, getNameXOffset, getNameYOffset, getPitch, getPlanIcon, getPoints, getPrice, getPriceValueAddedTaxIncluded, getRoll, getShininess, getStaircaseCutOutShape, getTexture, getValueAddedTax, getValueAddedTaxPercentage, getWidth, getWidthInPlan, getX, getY, intersectsRectangle, isAtLevel, isBackFaceShown, isBottomLeftPointAt, isBottomRightPointAt, isDeformable, isDoorOrWindow, isHorizontallyRotatable, isHorizontallyRotated, isModelCenteredAtOrigin, isModelMirrored, isMovable, isNameCenterPointAt, isNameVisible, isParallelToWall, isPointAt, isResizable, isTexturable, isTopLeftPointAt, isTopRightPointAt, isVisible, isWidthDepthDeformable, move, scale, setAngle, setBackFaceShown, setCatalogId, setColor, setCreator, setCurrency, setDepth, setDepthInPlan, setDescription, setElevation, setHeight, setHeightInPlan, setIcon, setInformation, setLevel, setLicense, setModel, setModelCenteredAtOrigin, setModelFlags, setModelMaterials, setModelMirrored, setModelRotation, setModelSize, setModelTransformations, setMovable, setName, setNameAngle, setNameStyle, setNameVisible, setNameXOffset, setNameYOffset, setPitch, setPlanIcon, setPrice, setRoll, setShininess, setStaircaseCutOutShape, setTexture, setValueAddedTaxPercentage, setVisible, setWidth, setWidthInPlan, setX, setY
Methods borrowed from class HomeObject:
duplicate, firePropertyChange, getContentProperty, getId, getProperty, getPropertyNames, isContentProperty, setProperty
Class Detail
HomeLight(id, light, copiedProperties)
Creates a home light from an existing one. No additional properties will be copied.
Author: Emmanuel Puybaret.
{string} id
the ID of the light
{Object} light
the light from which data are copied
{java.lang.String[]} copiedProperties
the names of the additional properties which should be copied from the existing piece or null if all properties should be copied.
Method Detail
{HomeLight} clone()
Returns a clone of this light.

{java.lang.String[]} getLightSourceMaterialNames()
Returns the material names of the light sources in the 3D model managed by this light.
{java.lang.String[]} a copy of light source material names array.

{com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.LightSource[]} getLightSources()
Returns the sources managed by this light. Each light source point is a percentage of the width, the depth and the height of this light. with the abscissa origin at the left side of the piece, the ordinate origin at the front side of the piece and the elevation origin at the bottom side of the piece.
{com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.LightSource[]} a copy of light sources array.

{number} getPower()
Returns the power of this light.

Sets the material names of the light sources in the 3D model managed by this light. Once this light is updated, listeners added to this light will receive a change notification.
{java.lang.String[]} lightSourceMaterialNames
material names of the light sources

Sets the sources managed by this light. Once this light is updated, listeners added to this light will receive a change notification.
{com.eteks.sweethome3d.model.LightSource[]} lightSources
sources of the light

Sets the power of this light. Once this light is updated, listeners added to this light will receive a change notification.
{number} power
power of the light

© Copyright 2024 Emmanuel PUYBARET / eTeks
Distributed under GNU General Public License
Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu May 30 2024 14:56:54 GMT+0200 (CEST)